Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Keeping Your Wedding Inexpensive on a Really Tight Budget

Keeping Your Wedding Inexpensive on a Really Tight Budget

There is a growing trend towards keeping weddings inexpensive today and rightly so. Spending your life savings on your big day is not just crazy, it is totally insane. Wouldn't you rather have money to put down on a house and furnish it, or to pay for your honeymoon? I mean, you have to have a honeymoon...don't you?

In fact, the down payment for a house or mortgage is far more beneficial for your future happiness than squandering it all away on an expensive wedding. You can still have an elegant and beautiful wedding and reception without having to go broke in the process.

In today's economy couples know that keeping a wedding inexpensive just makes more sense than spending money like crazy. That along with the days when the bride's parent's paid for everything is just about over. Nowadays couples are more often spending their own money on the wedding as many of them live together long before the wedding day. Budget Weddings don't have to mean that you have to give up on style. It means using your imagination, and doing a lot of the work yourself or getting the help of your friends and family rather than paying through the nose for professionals.

You don't have to do what everyone else is doing to make your day special either. There are so many ideas out there that can make your wedding a great deal cheaper in the long run. You can save some money without skimping on any of the good stuff and still make your wedding inexpensive.

A good example is to buy your dress secondhand; you can still get a fabulous dress and save lots in the process. Another good one is to have friends and family make your food and cake for you instead of a wedding gift; you'll just want to make sure that they are decent cooks before you enlist their help.

Also try using an MP3 player instead of hiring a DJ. I know its budget but it's different. You can also have your reception at home or at a friend or relative's house who has a really nice back yard with only close friends and family.

You really don't need to have the entire world at your wedding either, do you? Trim that guest list to include only friends and family that are close to you. This is difficult to do but sometimes it is necessary if the cost per guest is going to break your budget. This is probably the most cost-saving thing you can do in keeping your wedding inexpensive.

There are just so many things that you can do to make your wedding inexpensive that this article alone cannot begin to cover them all. Brainstorm and use your imagination to find more creative, fun ways to plan your wedding on a really tight budget.

Hey, Charles Powers here...Making your wedding inexpensive can be challenging. If you want to learn more, there is this great eBook that'll make you practically an expert, and it is up for grabs FREE at my blog. Visit

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